
Looking after your Stumpcam is mostly common sense:

  • Keep it dry, free of dirt and moisture at all times.

  • Take it apart carefully after use and store carefully, away from sources of heat or moisture.

  • Make sure it is listed on your organisational insurance policy.

Installation tips:

  • When installing the stump in the ground, don’t hit it with anything, especially another stump, a bat or a mallet.

  • Make a hole with a dibber or a regular stump, then push in the lower wood stump section, add the Stumpcam enclosure, then add the top part of the wood stump.

Maintenance tips:

  • Check your Stumpcam for cracks or breaks after any major impacts or break-away incidents.

Commercial ideas:

  • Add Sponsor logos to the TV surround you are streaming to.

Safeguarding pointers

  • Check your social media policy, safeguarding policy and club membership documents cover usage of a transmitting video camera. The camera settings allow for anyone within range to access the device